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 Partnership is about giving and about receiving. We need help and support to continue in the mission God has given us. If you are interested in sowing in, you can do so in three different ways:


Prayer is essential to the work that the Lord has called us to. We would like to ask you to please join us in praying for the ministry of YRC, the workers and the refugees we serve.


If you would like to join in with one of our ministry locations, serve on the YRC global media team or have your base partnered with the YRC, click below to learn more or email us at:


As a ministry of YWAM we rely on relationship-based support. We are supported by Family, Friends and Churches; people that have come across our paths and believe in who we are and what we do.  If you feel the Lord leading you to partner with any location financially, please reach out to those locations individually or email us for giving information

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